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Kapunda Pistol Club

The Kapunda Pistol Club is a SARPA and IPSC affiliated club.


The club Shoots both ISSF and IPSC matches along with 2 special, members only, steel events each year.


The club has turning targets on both the 25m and 50m ranges.


People attending the club can obtain their Pistol License through SARPA FASAT training with fully accredited club trainers.


The club shoots most saturdays, see calender for  information, pop along saturday midday, introduce yourself and have a go at pistol shooting.


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Address:Kapunda Rifle Range, Mary McKillop Rd, Kapunda, SA 5373.


Po Box 196, Kapunda, SA 5373.


0401 421 220 Secretary. Stephen Latz.

Kapunda Pistol Club
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